Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Breastfeeding may assist you to lose weight, at least during the 12 months after giving birth. When you breastfeed a number of hormones releases into your body which helps your uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy size and shape. However, don't count on breast-feeding to improve your weight loss during the direct postpartum period. Often, it is only when the breast-feeding stops that the weight starts to come off.
In addition, don't depend on breast-feeding for your weight loss. Or else you may get careless about your diet and instead of losing weight, you may actually gain weight. So be sure to eat sensibly, take exercise and allow nature to do the rest. If you are breast-feeding there is no reason why you should not go on a healthy, low-fat weight loss diet, but you should not drop below about 1800 calories per day, while breast feeding.
What is the normal weight loss after child birth. If you didn't gain more than the recommended 22-30 pounds during pregnancy, you should be able to lose a comfortable 1 pound a week without any drop in milk quality or quantity. If you gained more you can lose up to to 2 pounds a week.
However, as stated above, you must aim to consume about 1800 calories per day. It means, no junk food. You need to eat nutritious food. As soon as you and your doctor feel the time is right, start exercising. You need to take it slowly in the beginning. Start with daily walks for about half an hour. When you and your body feels ready for more action you can add intensity and time.

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