Minggu, 14 November 2010

Myopic Vision and Tight Eye Muscles

Myopic vision - this is also known as nearsightedness, and although it is not a major health condition, it poses a number of troublesome issues for many of the 25-30% who have this problem. There is a growing number of people affected by this eye problem than there was 30 years ago.
For those affected by the complain, they see distant objects in a blurred manner, making viewing objects such as street signs, watching television, and seeing a blackboard quite a problem. This is often in contrast to their ability to see close vision quite clearly.
Myopic vision can often run in families, and it is not uncommon for it to be detectable in childhood. Some of the indications of myopic vision problems are headaches, eyestrain and squinting, and it is these symptoms that often concern parents when their children are having difficulty at school.
Myopia is caused by the elongation of the eyeball, and it is often the result of bad habits such as looking at close up objects for excessively long periods of time. For schoolchildren, this starts when they are required to learn material from books, and other close vision activities, such as computer lessons, that require constant close work.
Viewing close up material for extended periods of time, can make the eyes tense and strained. It is important to take breaks from close up work, to enable the eyes to relax and readjust to an easier position.
The pressure of learning and succeeding with their schoolwork can be considerable for children, and this increases the general tension and strain on the child, which in turn increases the strain and tension in the eye muscles. The same applies to adults, once a person performs close up work continually once they enter their profession.
A good habit to get into, is to look into the distance frequently to give your eyes a break from the constant close work they are performing, and thus allowing the eye muscles to relax and refresh.
A program of eye exercises will be of substantial benefit to improve your vision, and these are available online, or through a registered practioner who teaches such a program.
It is also important to live a healthy lifestyle, and eat a healthy diet, as well as make time for some exercise on a regular basis. A healthy body nourishes healthy eyes, and this will also keep the eyes in a good state of health.
If the symptoms of myopia are severe, it could also be of advantage to include some natural herbs and supplements to ensure the eyes are kept in as healthy condition as

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