Minggu, 14 November 2010

Parents Need to Vent Rage! Try these 4 Steps to Serenity

Parents lose their self-control to anger. A friend called me today and told me a very disturbing story. She told me on a TV news program she heard from a mother who was driving with her four year old child. The mother was angry with her child and could not handle her child misbehaves. Finally the mother abruptly braked, stopping the car on a busy highway. She pulled on the side of the highway, opened the door and pushed her baby out of the car, hit the door and just drove off! Luckily someone saw this poor guy on the side of the highway, stopped and spoke with the child, police had come and the mother was eventually found. Unbelievable ... dropping your child off on a busy highway because you can not deal with a misbehaving four years old or with your own anger!Anger feels annoyed, irritated, angry, impatient, irritated, frustrated and disgusted. There is nothing wrong with feeling anger. Feeling and expressing your anger is healthy for everyone. What does not fit is to take your anger on someone else. Hitting, yelling, and belittling are not the answers for expressing your anger.Parents are understandably older, bigger, stronger and stronger than their child. Even with all this influence on the side of the parent, the parents are uncomfortable with the behavior of their child and angry toward their child. Children are petrified of anger from the parents. If you ask someone what is their a worse memory of anger, it will probably relate to the anger of their parents towards each other or to their child. When a child raised voices, a certain tone of voice heard, and hears his parents fighting, playing havoc with him because his parents' relationship is the foundation of his existence. Parents are an irreplaceable figure in the lives of their children. The thought of not having a family leaves a child alone it will take on this earth. He wonders what will happen to him? Scary stuff for a kid to think about.Four-year-old Beth had frequent attacks of temper tantrums, dawling, rudeness, and kept teasing her younger brother Ken. Beth's parents were angry and increasingly fed-up with Beth, because no matter what they did, Beth pursued a hands-full. Beth's parents were nagging, scolding, punishment beatings and finally Beth every time she acted on. They began to feel guilty. Beth's parents knew there was a better way to overcome their anger, and Beth guide to more emotionally acceptable behavior, but did not know what to do. They noticed that the more aggressive behavior toward Beth only increased precisely the behaviors they wanted to discourage. They saw that their punishment really are almost no remedial value.Beth's parents needed some beneficial strategies that would allow their anger. They needed a demonstration to their children about ways to bring their anger. It's simple: children learn by imitation. Every child watches and learns from his father and mother. Beth also needed a way to encourage her to express anger constructively, not disturbing. Allowing your child to express their anger, to say what their head is a healthy way to connect with your child. Your child's verbal expression of anger is to let you know that your child feels safe enough to an uncomfortable thought to express.Many parents know that a timeout is grounded, loss of privileges, and disappointment were expressed far more effective forms of punishment than hitting or belittling. In these cases, a child learns that they are still OK, people even thought that their actions and behavior. The next time you get angry, try one or all of the following:Step 1: Exercise to exhaustion ActivityIf you are angry, take your child out and take a brisk walk. Tell your child that you are working out your anger. Keep walking until you start to feel calmer and in control. Or you can try jogging, weight lifting, or walking up and down stairs until you feel exhausted. These forms of exercise always calm down everyone.Step 2: The Closed Door Gigantic Bear ActivityTell your child that you are angry and need to rent it out. Go to a room, do not invite your child, tell your child to wait for the door. Close the door and pretend you're a giant bear! Grunt, groan, stomp around and let it all out! This episode sounds funny, but let your anger out in a non-threatening way. You may hear a fit of giggles on the other side of the door, if your child will think this sounds very funny. You need to vent and to let anger out.Step 3: Time angry letterIf you get angry, bring your child to a table with two pencils, two envelopes, and some paper. Tell your child that your anger to write. Give your child a pencil (or crayon) and paper. Encourage your child to start writing or drawing. Start writing your "letter rage (just write, not speak), by placing on paper what it is about your child that makes you so angry, what they do or not. When finished, put the letter in an unsealed envelope. If you feel angry again, open and read. Add how you feel at the end. Once you no longer have to look at the wording of the letter to have a ceremony. A meaningful occasion of the removal. This gesture allows your child understand that anger can be expressed on paper, not physically hurt another person by shouting or spanking.Step 4: Fury RoleplayOnly go to one room and place two seats facing each other. Imagine your child sitting in the other chair. (Not to invite your child to this activity!) Tell your imaginary child how angry you are with him / her. Then go to the empty chair and speak as they would speak to you. Them back to your seat and your child to discredit an argument or logic. Tear it to shreds! Go back and forth, playing yourself and your child as long as you need. You can share this anger Role Play with your child once you vent all your anger and can demonstrate how effective this technique is expressing anger and feeling refreshed by the outcome.Remember, the feeling and expressing your anger in a non-threatening way is healthy for everyone.Google Translate for me: email phone chat business video searchesAbout Google translate turn off instant translation help privacy

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