Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Childhood Obesity Prevention - 7 Tips to Help Prevent Obesity in Childhood

Are you concerned about your child's weight or diet?
I was watching a TV program this week about childhood obesity. It introduced us to overweight toddler and older children. The childhood obesity rates are climbing in many "Western" Countries. Some of the children featured didn't necessary look at if they were in the obese category.
Childhood obesity prevention is our responsibility we need to accept the responsibility of giving our child a healthy diet.
Being obese can affect a child's health as well as their social well being.
Learn these 7 tips and place you child on the right road and prevent childhood obesity.
Childhood obesity prevention tip 1. Start early
We need to start early as possible by introducing our children to a healthy diet as soon as they start eating solid foods. Toddlers should be allowed to sample a wide variety of different flavors and tastes. Starting early with a varied healthy diet is a good basis on which to build good eating habits.
Childhood obesity prevention tip 2. Set a good example
Children learn much more by what they see us do than by what we tell them to do. Have a healthy varied diet yourself and let your children see you eating this. Children often want to sample what their parents eat so what will they sample from the kind of diet you have?
Childhood obesity prevention tip 3. Know what our children eat
It can be so easy as your child gets older to just let them take and eat whatever they like or can find in the house. It is better to give your child healthy snacks than to provide them with money to buy their own on a very regular basis. Children's healthy eating habits start early.
Childhood obesity prevention tip 4. Cook your own food wherever possible
If you cook your own food you know exactly what you're putting into your child. Grill food instead of frying it so that you don't add too much extra fat. Your child will quickly get used to difference in taste. We need to make sure we provide a healthy balanced diet for children in our care.
Childhood obesity prevention tip 5. Sit down together to eat regularly
Just cook one meal for the whole family. Often we do everything in a rush and don't have time to sit down and eat a healthy meal together. This not only involves spending quality time together but it also means you have time observe what your child eats and they can see the healthy balance diet you're eating!
Childhood obesity prevention tip 6. Have healthy snacks in the house
With childhood obesity rates rising and more overweight toddlers we need to be concerned about our children's healthy eating patterns. Today children eat more snacks than they used to. Life is lived at faster pace and we want to fill a hunger space quickly. If you introduce more healthy snacks into your home that's what children will have access to. Leave the snack with high sugar and fat content on the shelf in the store.
Childhood obesity prevention tip 7
Do something active together as a family on a frequent basis
Children get far less exercise than they used. Parents often prefer to keep their children in the house because they feel their safer. Encourage activity by doing something active together as a family.
For your child's future health and life expectancy make sure your child eats a balanced diet and gets regular exercise. Restrict the amount of time your child spends sitting at his computer and playing other electronic games.
Extra childhood obesity prevention tip
Your the parent and in charge not your child. This means you're responsible for your children's healthy eating patterns.

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